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Deciding length of stay during an exchange is dependent upon your need.

Deciding length of stay during an exchange is dependent upon your need, desire and circumstance.

As mentioned in an earlier Story, long weekends can be useful for attending weddings, visiting a city for a show or to shop. Experiencing a major metropolitan area that is easy to get to via car or plane is more suited for short term exchanges like long weekends or less than a week.

For Members who want to go someplace for five to ten days (what we call a week exchange potentially including bookend weekends) are more likely to be doing so to visit relatives or friends. Sometimes they are traveling for a special event.

If you are seeking a multi-week exchange, you are probably wanting to “get away” and experience a new locality or to visit a place you haven’t been to in a long time. Those who are looking to exchange for an extended period of time (three weeks, a month or more) are looking to experience a region and are happy to have a base from which to explore. This kind of exchange is more typical of Members who are traveling from one country to another or from one region on one side of the country to another region on the other side. It doesn’t matter what your preference is so long as it works for you. And, your preference can be all the above.

Within SENIORHOMEXCHANGE.COM, it is important to visit your “My Account” and go to Exchange Preferences where you can let other Members know your preference for exchange lengths of stay as well as other preferences.

You can check the boxes that apply to your desires and circumstance. You can check as many as you like so other Members know you are open to different lengths of exchanges. Your choices range from long weekends, a week, several weeks & a month or more. Exchange preferences is one of the attributes Members can search to identify likeminded Members who have the same length of stay preferences.

They more you populate preference attributes, the better you are communicating to other Members about potential exchange matches.

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